  • 941 Ellery Street, Victoria
  • VanIsleBJJ@Gmail.com

Our intermediate jiu jitsu program is where we take the individual puzzle pieces of jiu jitsu and put them together, starting to form a beautiful picture – the picture of jiu jitsu! This program is a step up from our foundations program, and will begin to touch on higher level concepts as well as open sparring (rolling), all while maintaining an easy to follow – along approach. This program is where members really begin to engage with jiu jitsu on a personal level, and will start to discover the strategies and style that suit them best. In this program, you will begin to feel what the ‘game’ of jiu jitsu is all about, and maybe even hit your first sense of ‘flow’ while ‘rolling’ on the mats. Along with our foundations program, consistent attendance of our intermediate program will forge you into a well rounded and well versed jiu jitsu practitioner, preparing you in excellence for our advanced classes.


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Class Details
Duration:60 mins
Location:Van Isle BJJ HQ
Class Type:Beginner/Basics
Class Size:20 persons